Friday, May 9, 2008


Well after a nice letter to the higher ups at the dealership the front window issue is resolved. The dealership replaced the window at no cost to us. One fight down now on to the next fight. Why do insurance companies always think that they know best? So the dealership and the adjuster for the car accident looked at the car and it is going to be $2,500.00 to fix however that is not including $700.00 for the back window. The insurance company is claiming that the crack in the back window was prior damage and was in no way caused by the accident. Hello I only owned the car for two days at that point. So I had to have my insurance company send over the pictures that they took of the car to prove that it was not prior damage. What a hassle. At least I got the car to the insurance company prior to someone hitting it. It seems that this is going to be like the accident that took place on easter (mind you that is still not resolved so Dave's truck has $1,400.00 in damage to it as well). I figure at this pace by the end of summer both cars will be fixed, however we are still waiting for both companies to get a hold of their insured. Oh well at least the cars are drivable and nothing was wrong with the baby. Thank God for that. Two car accidents in less than two months. Hopefully this will be the last one for a really long time. At this point this may be the first and the last kid we have just so that we do not have to deal with anymore insurance companies (yeah right I am sure their will be more than one). Oh and update on the baby. . . . still no progress my doctor decided that he was going to start stretching me out and see if he could move it along. Oh my that was painful but hopefully it will help. Soon enough he will be here.

1 comment:

~ Amy said...

Tomorrow's Mother's Day, any baby progression? Long walks? Black licorice? Bouncing on a yoga ball?