Ok so the summer is almost over and that means back to school. Well at least I get one more vacation down to VA to see the family, but September is just around the corner. Well I am happy that I only have one more semester before I graduate with my Associates degree, but now I have big decisions to make. Where do I want to go to college? In some ways I want to go as far away from New York as possible and just start over where no one knows who I am, but then I think of everything I would be leaving. I think that in some respects it would be the best thing for me. I would be able to see who in my life really cares enough to keep in touch with me and who will just forget me. I am undecided however I am looking in to colleges both in New York and everywhere else. It amazes me that this seems so hard for me. I want and I need to do something for me with no one else to influence my decisions. I keep thinking how much of other peoples lives I will miss if I leave though. My sister's first baby, my godchild's first day of school, her sister being born. The things that I want to be a part of but my mind keeps telling me to follow my heart and fulfill my dreams because no ones else can do it for me. BIG DECISIONS SUCK!